MolecuLight i:X

MolecuLight i:X

 Wound Imaging Device

Using MolecuLight i:X for wound assessment with clinical signs and symptoms allows clinicians to safely and easily identify more wounds containing elevated bacterial burden (104 CFU/g), and measure wounds at the point-of-care.

Product Points

Easy icon


Portable, touch-screen with an intuitive interface.1,2

Safe icon


No contrast agents and no patient contact required.2

Precise icon


MolecuLight i:X improves the detection of wounds with elevated bacterial loads when combined with clinical signs and symptoms.

Efficient icon


Using MolecuLight i:X, identifies more wounds with elevated bacterial load compared to clinical signs and symptoms alone enabling more efficient patient management.

Real-time icon


MolecuLight i:X provides information at the patient bedside to improve current evaluation by CSS.

Focused icon


Allows clinicians to focus on areas of the wound producing fluorescence.

What does MolecuLight i:X do?

Visualize Bacteria

MolecuLight i:X allows clinicians to focus on wounds containing elevated bacterial loads with the guidance of fluorescence imaging in combination with CSS.

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Measure Wound Area

MolecuLight i:X provides clinicians with a comprehensive toolkit for digital wound area measurement and documentation.

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MolecuLight i:X in use

MolecuLight i:X - Making a difference in point of care wound treatment

Rosemary Hill, BSN, CWOCN, CETN(C)
Vancouver Coastal Health
North Vancouver, Canada

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Run Time // 5:27

Swabbing and cost savings with MolecuLight i:X

Lt Col Steven Jeffery
The Royal Centre for Defence Medicine
Birmingham, UK

Watch Video

Run Time // 3:48



Portable dark environment for the MolecuLight i:X

MolecuLight Woundstickers

For wound area measurement with the MolecuLight i:X Imaging Device.


  1. DaCosta RS, Kulbatski I, Lindvere-Teene L, Starr D, Blackmore K, Silver JI, Opoku J, Wu YC, Medeiros PJ, Xu W, Xu L, Wilson BC, Rosen C, Linden R. Point-of-care autofluorescence imaging for real-time sampling and treatment guidance of bioburden in chronic wounds: first-in-human results. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(2). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116623.
  2. Chamma E, Qiu J, Lindvere-Teene L, Blackmore KM, Majeed S, Weersink R, Dickie CI, Griffin AM, Wunder JS, Ferguson PC, DaCosta RS. Optically-tracked handheld fluorescence imaging platform for monitoring skin response in the management of soft tissue sarcoma. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2015, 20(7). doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.20.7.076011.
  3. Blumenthal E, Jeffery SLA. The use of the MolecuLight i:X in managing burns: a pilot study. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 2017, 39(1), 154-161. doi: 10.1097/BCR.0000000000000565.
  4. Raizman R. Fluorescence imaging positively predicts bacterial presence and guides wound cleaning and patient education in a series of pilonidal sinus patients. Presented at Wounds UK 2016. Proceedings of the Annual Wounds UK Conference; 2016 Nov 14-16; Harrogate, UK.
  5. Dunham D, Teene L. Objective wound measurement software on a point-of-care, hand-held fluorescence imaging device: verification of measurement accuracy and repeatability. Presented at EWMA 2018. Proceedings of the Annual European Wound Management Association Conference; 2018 May 9-11; Krakow, Poland.
  6. Wu YC, Smith M, Chu A, Lindvere-Teene L, Starr D, Tapang K, Wong O, Linden R, DaCosta RS. Handheld fluorescence imaging device detects subclinical wound infection in an asymptomatic patient with chronic diabetic foot ulcer: a case report. International Wound Journal, 2016, 13(4), 449-53. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12451.
  7. Ottolino-Perry K, Chamma E, Blackmore KM, Lindvere-Teene L, Starr D, Tapang K, Rosen CF, Pitcher B, Panzarella T, Linden R, DaCosta RS. Improved detection of clinically relevant wound bacteria using autofluorescence image-guided sampling in diabetic foot ulcers. International Wound Journal, 2017, 14(5), 833-841. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12717.
  8. Rennie MY, Lindvere-Teene L, Tapang K, Linden R. Point-of-care fluorescence imaging predicts the presence of pathogenic bacteria in wounds: a clinical study. Journal of Wound Care, 2017, 26(8), 452-460. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2017.26.8.452.
  9. Raizman R. Point-of-care fluorescence imaging device guides care and patient education in obese patients with surgical site infections. Presented at CAWC 2016. Proceedings of the Annual Canadian Association of Wound Care Conference; 2016 Nov 3-6, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.
  10. Jeffery S. Utility of point-of-care autofluorescence imaging device in successful closure of major limb amputations – a case study. Presented at MHSRS 2016. Proceedings of the Military Health System Research Symposium; 2016 Aug 15-18; Kissimmee, FL, USA.